The Evolution of Man
A fierce debate rages in today's America about the origin of life. It is an incredibly important debate that I don't believe can be won by arguing scientific theories (e.g. Intelligent Design, Darwinian Evolution.) The primary reason it can't be won on scientific evidence is that people have made their minds up on the topic already and can support their position with science. What I believe Christians should do is focus on the implications of an origin without God and realize that God is bigger than this debate. 1. Implications of life without God What is inherently better about "life"? What incentive do I have to preserve my existence or the existence of those around me? Why is preserving of a group of molecules that have somehow become self-aware more important than not? A true atheist has no answer. Any attempt answer that and you leave the realm of the natural and enter the super natural. If we are unable to answer that quest...