Peyton Manning is a Bronco and other reasons I cheer for him
As much as he’s been in the spotlight over the years I really do not know that much about Peyton Manning’s personal life or beliefs. In a video clip of him talking to kids at a football camp and a small snippet from a radio interview Manning stresses the importance of a relationship with God. His actions seemingly demonstrate that this isn’t just something he says.
In my dreams as a kid I was a wide receiver in the NFL and had they come true I’d likely be catching passes from Peyton Manning. Instead I have nothing in common with Manning except that we serve the same God. In my relationship with God I’ve learned many things, but two truths in particular are on display in Manning’s life and I try to make true of my life. First, we are all ultimately working for God himself, and second, God is the one with the plan.
Manning is notorious for being a hard worker. He’s always studying film and working with his offense to perfect his craft. Some of this drive could be built into his genetic makeup, but could also be driven by this truth. Regardless of whether or not you are wired to be exceptionally hard-working or not, realizing we are working to bring glory to God should give meaning to any task we are assigned, even the menial ones like picking up trash or doing the dishes.
The second truth is profound and deeply impactful to so many aspects of life. Peyton Manning was bombarded with many questions during his introductory press conference. One line of questioning dealt with the personnel that he’d want the Broncos to try to sign. His responses were something like “I trust the Broncos staff do make the best decision for the organization.” Instead of getting worked up and meddling in areas that he ultimately does not have control over he can be at peace in knowing that he will work hard and that his success or failure is ultimately up to God and the plan He is executing for His own glory. This confidence in God’s control frees us from so many distressing thoughts and allows us to focus on our own obedience to God.
I like Peyton Manning. I am extremely hopeful that he’ll help the Broncos win another SuperBowl or several in the next 5 years that he’s under contract. I’m also hopeful that he’ll reflect Jesus well to the Broncos organization and its fans.
Interesting blog. Welcome to
:) Take care!
It is to my fellow Americans I speak. By birth the blessings of this country are bestowed upon us. Our Parents having died to ensure both those, and our God given rights. Let us not give lightly the thought of our future. We are endowed with a divine hope for the future. It is but tyranny alone that seeks to squander that hope and that future. We as Americans have never given in to tyranny, nor shall we start now. The abilities of the government come from the people which are governed. None shall give consent of persecution and discrimination, yet we find ourselves there with our current government. Dictating what had previously been enjoyed as choices, to the detriment of its citizenry. When lone oligarchs push through agendas denounced by its people, it seems fit for those now under the yoke of tyranny to rise up out of their binds and grab firm the right given us to replace or form new, a government that will not trample the path to despotism. Stand fast all my brethren who long to once more be free without the cursing of a bureacracy designed to shackle nor a judiciary with its wanton seizure of power. It is by the grace of our God and the muster of our own will, that a resolution of freedom will once again blanket this land for those who champion self determination over distant bodies of power whose only interest is maintaining their own influence. We must however, remain strong against the bitter winds ahead. They will try to turn us one against another, and they will march us to the fringes to silence us. Let us come together once again as Americans with a strong and united voice declaring liberty and self determination as our only vehicle of redress. It is not war we seek, nor hatred we want or have. Merely the opportunity afforded our ancestors to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness without undue burden from those with the consent to govern. Let us look back on this as a time, when those of two differing philosophies of how government should fullfil its duty, were able to allow the other its chance for itself to seek its destiny. Those seeking liberty finding themselves with the providence to enjoy it.
It is to my fellow Americans I speak. By birth the blessings of this country are bestowed upon us. Our Parents having died to ensure both those, and our God given rights. Let us not give lightly the thought of our future. We are endowed with a divine hope for the future. It is but tyranny alone that seeks to squander that hope and that future. We as Americans have never given in to tyranny, nor shall we start now. The abilities of the government come from the people which are governed. None shall give consent of persecution and discrimination, yet we find ourselves there with our current government. Dictating what had previously been enjoyed as choices, to the detriment of its citizenry. When lone oligarchs push through agendas denounced by its people, it seems fit for those now under the yoke of tyranny to rise up out of their binds and grab firm the right given us to replace or form new, a government that will not trample the path to despotism. Stand fast all my brethren who long to once more be free without the cursing of a bureacracy designed to shackle nor a judiciary with its wanton seizure of power. It is by the grace of our God and the muster of our own will, that a resolution of freedom will once again blanket this land for those who champion self determination over distant bodies of power whose only interest is maintaining their own influence. We must however, remain strong against the bitter winds ahead. They will try to turn us one against another, and they will march us to the fringes to silence us. Let us come together once again as Americans with a strong and united voice declaring liberty and self determination as our only vehicle of redress. It is not war we seek, nor hatred we want or have. Merely the opportunity afforded our ancestors to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness without undue burden from those with the consent to govern. Let us look back on this as a time, when those of two differing philosophies of how government should fullfil its duty, were able to allow the other its chance for itself to seek its destiny. Those seeking liberty finding themselves with the providence to enjoy it.
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What a beautiful article in his honor. Thank you for taking the time to write this article, it is excellent! Keep it up
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