
1 Sam. 10:5 Once these signs are fulfilled, do whatever your hand finds to do, for God is with you.

That verse is taken from 1 Samuel 1o and is spoken by Samuel concerning Saul's anointing.  In that chapter Samuel tells Saul that when he meets up with other prophets, the Holy Spirit will come on him in power and that when that happens he is to "do whatever your hand finds to do."

If each of us as followers of Christ have been granted the Holy Spirit then don't we have the same charge?  Haven't we been given a Spirit, not of timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline?  Isn't faith being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see? 

Do you believe the Holy Spirit is directing you?


Greg said…
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Greg said…
I am inspired by this approach! We should not wait to serve God, and we should be willing to try new things that line up w/ scripture.

However, we should balance that w/ consideration for those that have gone before us, listening to why things have been done the way that have.
Chad said…
I believe that the HS directs me and brings opportunities in my life in which to glorify him. I also believe that I am still a sinful being and therefore sometimes faslely interpret the spirit and fail to use some of the opportunities that it brings me. When I "do whatever my hands find to do" I make sure that I consult God about it, and ask him to bless the work. Going and just making decisions is one thing, but going and making decisions while still consulting God is another. Consulting God doesn't have to be a prolonged time in prayer. Sometimes when I make decisions I quickly pray, "God, I am going to make this decision because I think that it is glorifying to you. I ask that you would bless this decision, or lead me otherwise." Then I go ahead and do whatever. This demonstrates submission and a desire to do all things for God who sustains us. That was Saul's fault a passage or two after the given passage. While Saul was given the spirit, he was also able to work against it. I think that the mindset listed above is a big step in remaining in service to the King and still making decisions as we see fit. 1 Cor 2:something "For we have the mind of Christ".
Terry said…
We have a phrase in the Pentagon: Analysis Paralysis. Meaning you can always over-analyize something and doing so avoid a decision. What Chad mentions is critical. The great commission is translated in some versions as "go into all the world and preach the gospel". I'm sure most of you have heard sermons that explain the greek tense that does not come thru in the above translation. The tense is one that might be more clearly translated -- "go, and as you are going, preach the gospel". Meaning as you are going about your daily business wherever you are you should be preaching the gospel (and as one preacher said: if you have to, use words).

I think this also translates into our following God's will in decision-making. Alfy had a series of messages several years ago that we probably have on tape that we could convert to mp3 that discusses knowing God's will. Essentially it boils down to this: If we are walking with the Lord; being obedient and in the word we have the confidence to pursue our desires (remember in other passages he wants us to have the desires of our hears) and be in the will of God. He will "open and close" doors as we move out.

Alfy is going through this right now with his search. He knew it was time to leave CBC and that he is supposed to be a pastor. He is stepping out and sending resumes and working thru the process of finding a new ministry. He wants to find a church closer to his dad and Karen's family -- that is the desire of his heart. But he is also reaching out to other churches not so close. He is willing to go where he feels he will have the biggest impact and also one that interests him.

Bottomline is if we are in fellowship with God and we realize that God lives in us (something I think we don't really understand or comprehend or I think we'd really think hard before we deliberately sin) we can step out and do what we want knowing that God will direct and honor the decision.
Timothy Bisulca said…
Romans 7:7 through Romans 8:17 is a great discourse on this idea. In verse 19, Paul writes: "For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do - this I keep on doing." The Bible often uses the imagery of slavery and servitude to describe sin and the flesh, while living under the Spirit is stated as freedom. What the Holy Spirit provides is freedom from the obligation to sin which our flesh requires without God. A line from a Michael Card song states that, "Freedom's not found in the things that we own, it's the power to do what is right." Salvation in Christ and our indwelling by the Holy Spirit gives us the power to do what is right, which is why Samuel told Saul to do whatever he felt like. Under the inspiration of the Spirit, that which Saul did would be right. However, even as Christians, as evidenced by the above reference in Romans, we can still be controlled by the flesh. In other words, while under the influence of the Spirit we are free to do what is right, we are not ALWAYS under that influence, and must learn to discern what is of the Spirit and what is of the flesh.

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