
Ben Stein's movie Expelled comes out some time soon.  I just recently finished reading an article critiquing the film and here is the third to last paragraph in the article. 

"The weakness of the logic of Expelled is beside the point, however. No one who accepts evolution as fact is likely to leave the theater shaken. Some people with looser understandings of the science or the legal issues might buy into its arguments about "fairness" and protecting religion against science. Expelled is nonetheless mostly a film for ID creationism's religious base. That audience has seen one setback after the next in recent years, with science rejecting ID as useless and the courts rebuffing it as for a constitutional violation in public education. For them, Expelled is a rallying point to revive their morale."

For the full article (it's kinda long) go here http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?id=ben-steins-expelled-review-john-rennie.

I think I'm just posting this so everyone is aware of how the movie might be perceived.  I'm not trying to make a statement or anything, just purely providing information.


Chad said…
Yea - I never really had high hopes for the film anyways. All the articles I've read about it mention how there isn't much actual science included backing up a creation view, which would be what I'd be most interested in. Most of it I think is about how evolution is bullying and strangling creation views on false grounds, which is something I agree that it is doing. I thought it would maybe be cool to see someone as percievably smart backing up creation - but most agenda based movies fall far short. Unfortunately movies usually aren't the best way to make such a statement, but I guess you have to communicate it to the public somehow to gain support.
I'd be interested in seeing it to see what all the fuss is about, but I doubt I'll pay $8-10 to go do it.
I'd like to see Leatherheads first. Looks like a fun one.
Terry said…
Gentlemen: The issue is not whether or not evolution is true or creation is true. I've said it before as a scientist I cannot be dogmatic about either model of origins. By faith I have to choose one or the other. As a scientist I have to figure out which model fits the evidence better. As far as the science is concerned there are numerous scientific papers that examine the same things others do and apply it to the creation model. Suggest you google Institute for Creation Research - haven't been a part of them for years but a professor at VT was one of the founders of it - Hal Morris.

Back to the main argument of Expelled. The issue is not trying to force God on someone. It is the idea of presenting all viewpoints on a topic. That is something you expect from a well-rounded educational experience. The problem goes back to the imaginary "separation of church and state" which is as you well know not in the constitution. You guys have grown up in a US that has run amok in this area and it started in our generation.

How can you say you are a free thinker and philospher if you only look at one side of a debate?

The issue is that of being really an educated person. When I went to college I expected to be exposed to many philosophies and viewpoints. To restrict those is to really create robotic thinking - something the secularists accuse us of being. What are they so afraid of? If their arguments are convincing folks will agree, if they aren't ....

Follow the money.....
Terry said…
Henry Morris --
Professor of Hydraulic Engineering and Chairman - Department of Civil Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech) (1957-1970)
Terry said…
Guys - one other thing -- I challenge you to look at the Institute for Creation Research website and get an idea for all the real, hard, scientific research going on to explain the Special Creation Model of origins. This is real science - just as real as what other scientists are doing in the field of evolution. Again it falls into the category of being ready to give an answer. Delivery matters as well. They used to have debates with evolutionists until the evolutionists kept losing the debates on the basis of science...

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