What to post when you don't really have anything to say?

Too often I think we believe we need to come up with clever things to put in a post. Sometimes you're just blank... The snow has caused disruptions to our routine and there is something to be said about having a routine. Although the government is closed and we are supposed to be on "leave" many of us continue on with our work routine unable to stop. I guess we are wired to be doing something all the time.
That said we were able to come together yesterday as a group of men to clear snow off the roof of the church building. Unfortunately I was unable to get there when the work first started but was able to get there at the end of the day - reminds me of the story of the workers that came to work the fields thruout the day and all ended up getting paid the same - I digress but will come back to it.
We all joined together to preserve the building - enjoying the physical labor and the comraderie. Maybe that was our "pay" - to enjoy the hard work and being with each other accomplishing a mission -- high motivation in guy-land.

I guess my angst is why we can't come together like that to serve our community and show the love of Christ? Why didn't we go down the street clearing snow just to show we care? Probably 'cause we didn't think of it or if we had said that's what we were going to do how many people would have shown up.

That's our challenge - to get this vision out to serve others with the specific goal of sharing the gospel. The plea went out for workers - an "all hands on deck" call. Guys responded - would we have done that if it had been something else? We've been given an "all hands on deck" call by Christ himself. Who tho, will step up and organize and lead the effort?


Greg said…
Nice job clearing the snow guys! Sorry I couldn't join you (I was at work). The way Victor told it, George was the guy who stepped up and organized this effort. As you quote on Facebook, "It is easier to ask for forgiveness than permission." Too often, I've been guilty of waiting for the folks w/ the title to lead the way. In reality, what happens quite often is that a passionate person decides to "git 'r done" then it gets formalized. So, let's each pray for a "One Man Revival" (to quote Bob Carlisle), and pray for the wisdom to join our brothers and sisters in Christ when they lead the way.

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